Dogs on Shade are good and waggy
- Dogs are found across Shade including on Dor Roc.
- Subspecies of wolf
- No special interaction with foxes, other than some being bred to hunt them
- No breeds but functions. A herder is by definition a dog bred for herding.
- Herder/shepherd
- Bred for intelligence and herding behaviour. Generally erect ears, slightly low back end, agile, intense 'eye'
- Stalker/setter
- Silent scent hunters. Bred to 'set', point, flush, etc when prey is encountered (depending on local hunting preferences)
- Courser
- As you'd expect, greyhoundy
- Retriever
- Strong swimmers, soft-mouthed, bred to fetch
- (Hunting) hound
- Large, high-endurance sight-hunters, typically rough-coated
- Guard dog
- Often double as family pets and come in variety of shapes (often working dog puppies less suited to task will be given away as pet/guard dogs)
- Terrier
- Small and tenacious, uniquely crafted for getting things out of burrows and shaking them to death
- War dog
- Mastiffs of the Pugnaces Britanniae sort - see [1]
- etc
- "I was reminded of an old fable we have. When men and women and dogs formed their abiding partnership, they divided the times up between them. The dogs would worry about what was now; the women and men about what was past, what was to come and what was not. We think the dogs had the clever end of the deal." --16th Lord Suitov in [2]
See also Animals in Terrimoirine Folk Stories