Jaina Jade and Pasht are former members of this organisation. Most huntresses practice a unique religion based on the concept of taint. Huntresses speak the language(s), wear the dress, and generally practice the customs of the surrounding people (though it must be said that it is a rare huntress who wears a skirt willingly).
Hunters are grouped by cells, each constituting a loose family group. Each cell belongs to a House. Known Houses include Glass and Jade. Houses are not grouped together geographically; this is intended to ensure survival of the House even if neighboring cells are eradicated. There is at least one cell is virtually any region of the world. Non-hunter members are not always affilated with a House, but hunters always are.
Family is fluid among the hunters, the group most detached from normal human life. Hunters in training are shifted from group home to group home as their ability improves or wanes. This makes familial relationships odd -- the same woman may be referred to as Nan or aunt by the same girl at different points in her life.
Most hunters practice (or at least pay lip service to) a unique cult revolving around the concept of taint. They worship a distant Goddess -- not the same as the Goddess of Wicca -- and believe that only by good works may they be saved, namely dealing death to once-human monsters. Some non-hunter members follow as well, casting their lot in with a hunter or hunters (usually sharing a House or a romance) and relying on the hunter's salvation being enough to cover more than one person.
There are two ways cells gain new members: adopting children and recruiting women.
Despite being identified as vampire hunters, the organisation is far more diverse. Different branches are dedicated to killing various monsters, studying them and how mundane science may affect them, and protecting themselves from public knowledge.
Branch map (incomplete):