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Alena is an incompetent witchling, written by Jess.

1. Appearance
2. Personality
3. Background

1. Appearance

Alena stands at a petite 5'3" (read: short) with a twiggy stature and long limbs (read: skinny, stick-insect like) with matching tiny feet, hands and facial features. She has porcelain-pale skin (not so much a vampiresque fashion statement as the fact that she just doesn't tan) and short black hair that falls in a kind of messy bob under her chin; she'd like it longer but invariably gets gum stuck in it/burns it/accidentally teleports it/catches it in something and has to chop it off, which she does herself, with a dagger. Her fringe is only slightly shorter than the rest of her hair and often falls into her gray eyes – she's in the habit of hiding behind it when she's nervous.

Her clothing is an eclectic mix of her peoples traditional garb and various things she's picked up in her five-odd years of traveling. She always wears a collection of pendants, chains, leather straps, beads, feathers, bells and assorted jewelry around her neck, wrists, fingers, toes, ankles and occasionally stomach and she always carries a rather large, black mary-poppins-esque bag from which clinking, rattling, rustling and the occasional croak can be heard. Alena will often attempt to dress like a 'real witch' – long, dark flowing skirts that tangle around her legs, cloth underbust waistcoats that only accent her unfortunate lack of curves, loose gray cloth tunics that fall off her shoulders and flop past her knuckles, the occasional feather-and-bead adorned headband given to her from exasperated tribal chiefs. She usually resembles an extremely strange child dressed in her mothers clothing.

Alena has a tiny diamond stud piercing in the upper cartilage of her left ear. She also has another piercing, but she is tight-lipped as to where it is located.

2. Personality

Alena is quietly spoken, easily excited and innocent to the evils of others. She is quick to befriend and quick to forgive, accepting of people from all different walks of life (having been exposed to so many) and tries to find the best in everybody. She loves animals, fluffy things, people, flowers and, um, everything else. However, this makes her especially exposed to being manipulated by others with less pure intentions than her own.

Alena is also unbelievably clumsy. It's best not to let her near hot things, wet things, sharp things, moving things or any other things, really.

3. Background

Alena was raised in a female-dominated society. Her mother, her mothers' mother, her mothers' mothers' mother, ad infinitum, were all very powerful witches/healers/magic women. This line of heritage means she is destined to be a very powerful figure in her culture; leader of her people.

Unfortunately, Alena was born with a total of zero natural magical powers. Despite training from the most powerful and adept women in her society, she is apparently completely useless. When she 'came of age', she was ordered to go find herself – and, essentially, told not to come back until she'd grown some balls—I mean, powers.

Alenas culture are a pagan-based religion who worship nature, energy and a universal energy source; there are gods and goddesses symbolizing different aspects, but they are merely considered symbolic metaphors; not actual deities/beings.

She's been traveling since she was 14, from society to society, seeking out powerful witches and magicians; sorcerers and healers; shamans and anyone else who will see her. She's picked up some quite powerful tokens, books and knowledge along the way; unfortunately this has mostly led to her scorching her own eyebrows off.

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Edited August 9, 2006 1:21 pm by Mutt