Lil' Jessie

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Lil' Jessie was my most wonderful, most twisted, most loved, most hated and, generally, best character ever. She was a Wraith, as per [White Wolf's] (can I make this offsite-link without the brackets?) [Wraith: the Oblivion]? - the game of ghosts in the World of Darkness. It all happened in the so-called Transicíon chronicle. Jessie started out as a mere mortal, but after she died, a certain someone who had just bought Wraith suggested I make her into one. And that's where the scary stuff began.

The perhaps most twisted thing related to this character was the abusive relationship between Lil' Jessie and Lion?, a tall and gaunt vampire-turned-ghost. Contrary to what most people believe, the 6 ft tall Frenchman wasn't the abusive one in the twisted father-daughter relationship... though, had you asked Jessie, it was Lion who was the evil abuser. It was always the men in her life: they all did the same. They came, they said they cared, then they hurt her and left her bleeding. One of them, a certain Orphan mage, went as far as to destroy [Miss Bunny]?. (Of course, the fact that Jessie had murdered his mentor and attempted to murder him as well, could've tipped the scales a bit...)

These days, Lil' Jessie is most likely a coin in Stygia. She went out with a bang, not a whimper - causing a gas leak and an explosion that took out her former home and all her remaining Fetters - including her stepfather.

Nope, all off-site links are enclosed in brackets. I think it's possible to set the wiki to not use brackets, but that would be set on Mutt's end. I'm not sure what it takes, either -- just that it's technically possible (but not recommended for some reason).
Okay, thanks. It does make sense to somehow separate in-site and off-site links.
Though in fact, I'm thinking I'll try editing the CGI so offsite links are just in a different colour (à la Wikipedia). I'd prefer Doesn't-Exist-Yet links to be yet another colour, rather than the whole [?] business. This is apparently a straightforwardish edit... --mt
That would be very cool. *wonders how that would affect CSS options; investigates* --who else is big on CSS, right?
I know the basics of CSS1. Should play around with it more, I think. --C

Lil' Jessie sounds very freakycool, and that's *supposed* to be a compliment. I'd love to hear more about her -- about Wraith as well, come to think of it. I've read the rulebook, but never played. Darn. --Ree
Thanks. She is pretty freaky - or was, in any case. I'll have a decent bio of her up here at some point. And Wraith - oh yes. It's the perfect game. Okay, not perfect, but very, very good. At least with me, it works much better online-storytold than tabletop. --C

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Edited March 10, 2004 5:52 pm by Candy