Lucifer is approximately six feet tall and of average build. He has an extremely pale complexion and light blue eyes. His hair is pure white, and is parted in the middle. The front drops to cheekbone level, and the back is feathered against his neck. He is frequently seen wearing a pleasantly neutral expression.
Lucifer's wardrobe does not hold any clothing from later than the 1920s. He is usually seen in long Victorian coats or in Edwardian fashions, nearly always in grey or black and often accompanied by a top hat. He also frequently carries with him a black cane with a glass sphere on the top (often laughingly referred to in texts as his "pimp stick").
Lucifer has large white wings protruding from his back, just below the shoulderblades. Like all angels, demons and dengels, he can fold his wings away out of sight by supressing his aura.
Lucifer began life as an angel serving God in the realm of Heaven. He turned his back on God, Goddess and Gods due to ambition, which drove him to fly to the realm of Hell and tame the chaos Gods there. Instating himself as the new (monarchic) ruler of Hell, he spiritually tied his body and presence to the well-being of Hell itself, thereby ensuring that no one could claim his power or position without his permission.
Lucifer is evil, which should be obvious, but needs stating as often as possible. He is very manipulative, he acts like a concerned and kind gentleman who only wants the best for those around him, but what he really wants is to use those around him to his own ends. He is very charming, and those who are fooled by this cannot be blamed, as he has had a few thousand years to perfect his posture, tone, and body language so that they can be best used to gain sympathy or trust from those he interacts with.
Lucifer has a particular interest in Lance. The reason everyone is aware of is because Lucifer and Lance have previously been lovers, and Lucifer is not accustomed to being the on the receiving end of a breakup. He seeks a romantic involvement with Lance, possibly out of love, but also possibly because he seeks to control Lance.
However, due to Lucifer's nature, it is not clear whether this is the sole purpose to his interest in Lance.
As Lucifer's body is tied to Hell, if he remains away from the realm for too long, Hell begins to crumble and self-destruct. This is a serious problem that could cause the destruction of the universe, as all the realms are connected to one another.
Lucifer has a particularly nasty rivalry with Zade, though it is unclear why.