He first appeared on the abandoned Pro by Night storyboard.
During the Pro By Night storyline, Silver emerged as a friendly, compassionate sort.
Silver is not his birth name. It's a nickname bestowed on him as a fledgling, which stuck.
One contributor, who shall remain nameless, has described Silver as "making Casper look sardonic".
He was infected with vampirism by an older, male vampire. This happened when Silver was a young adolescent, still rather gangly and wide-eyed. Silver does not know the sire's intentions -- though we can guess, and Silver may speculate when he's a little more worldly-wise -- because the sire was killed almost immediately afterwards (see Silver's Sire, below).
Silver subsequently lived for a time in the fort occupied by the sire and a few other loosely-associated vampires. The Pro by Night story happened at this time.
Light build. He was tall for his age when turned, but is quite short for an adult. Something of the gangly teenager will remain perpetually.
Hair, a very light silverish colour, and kept longish. The reason for his name.
Blue eyes, quite attractively large, with languid lashes (if you'll pardon the floofy language).
Overall, he looks artisty, the type that usually turns out to be either a blushing innocent or an outrageous hedonist.
When he was vamped, his voice had only just begun to deepen. This was happening very late anyway, considering his age. (A factor in his sire's preferences.) His voice is quite high, though not enough to make people double-take and go "whoa!". He hasn't shown any capability or inclination to disguise it.
Silver's vampirism:
He has all the other characteristics associated with this strain.
Silver has a hunting skill: hypnotism, which works on humans.
PBN was set in Eastern Europe in the 16th century. Since then not much has been heard of Silver. There have been a few semi-confirmed sightings near the French Alps.
Nobility, most likely, or with pretensions in that area. Refined, older-looking male.
Fond of - er, a predilection for - uh, you do know why he turned Silv, right?
The sire had been watching Silv for a while, obsessively waiting for just the right opportunity. The lad was very late to enter puberty and once he was showing signs in that area, the sire panicked, nabbed him and turned him before he got 'spoiled'. At the same time, something happened that resulted in the sire being killed. Possibly related to the haste with which he acted; possibly a challenge from a lone vampire in his territory or something of that nature; maybe even got by a hunter.
Though he is assumed to have been killed, this is only assumed because he hasn't returned to find Silver yet. From what is known of his modus operandi, to have stayed hidden for several centuries would be highly uncharacteristic.