Beak Mellown

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Beak Mellown (pronounced something like "bee-yatch main" in his accent, or "bee-akh mallaine" in his author's) is a character of Herm's. He was born a mortal man and subsequently made immortal by his wife of two years.

1. Appearance
2. Demeanour
3. History
4. Mellown's troops

1. Appearance

Mellown resembles a human with some of the unworldly qualities of an elf or faerie. He is far from willowy, though, instead broad-shouldered and well-muscled. He is much stronger and faster than he looks, not to mention two hundred years older. He has black, curled hair reaching down to his shoulders. It tends to move lightly even when there is no breeze. His eyes are brown. His skin looks perpetually tanned. His ears are pointy.

He tends to dress in a light cloak, leggings and embroidered shirt, with a torc and matching armlet in antique style. He is generally either bare-headed or wearing a simple braided circlet.

2. Demeanour

Mellown has a habit of using archaic oaths, both because these are more colourful and because they are less likely to be taken offence at in mixed company. He never gets involved with women beyond a night or two's dalliance. He tends to glare and aim kicks at every cat he sees.

In his spare time, Mellown composes songs and occasionally paints, in bright colours, scenes that are not of any known world. ([something like this, perhaps]) He dislikes great heights and snakes. Although he seldom drinks, it is suspected that he uses recreational drugs.

3. History

Mellown comes from a county that no longer exists. His uncle was Fluke Mellown, a warrior of some local renown.

Mellown and his wedding party came under Suitov Iceheart's command after the latter broke a curse that had been laid on them by Mellown's (by then ex-)wife. These events are narrated by Weft [in this post].

4. Mellown's troops

Mellown has command of a cavalry unit consisting of twelve men (thirteen, including Mellown himself) and fifteen horses [of generic size, not Shaded], and around thirty hunting hounds, all similarly immortal. The hounds share accommodation with the army's war dogs. The horses do not share with other horses.

Of the two horses without riders (the men died before entering Suitov's employ), the stallion is... not friendly... while the mare is occasionally used by Suitov.

Oh yes, and the horses are carnivorous. I mentioned that, right?

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Edited March 17, 2015 6:23 pm by Herm