Birthing Hour

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The Birthing Hour - the anarde myth of creation - is described with more detail and nonsense in the slightly religiously bent Swansong, that is no more accurate a description of the beginning of time, world and light as any other religion's is.

Simplified, the myth holds that before life began in its current form, there was a time when there was no sunlight. It holds that only colours existed in forms hardly anyone would recognise these days, but it has become more and more obvious that something walked the lands that saw no stars or sun. Creatures, such as Crimson? and Goldenrod? who seem to understand the nature of the world with differing opinions concerning how enjoyable it is, and their theoretical dead kin that still haunt some of the ruins.

The actual Birthing Hour was a tumultous time, when the Living Winds - today, blood and soul essence - began to blow stronger and stronger, until tornados were born. They sucked creatures of colour inside, put them in an entirely different order and then spat them out again. This went on and on, until finally, there were the anardes, and, a while later, humans.

Will post about the sun turning up at some point. -Snog

 *lusting for more info* --Muttsibs

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Edited April 10, 2004 10:55 pm by Mutt