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Hellhound Chokedamp (by Pepper out of Shriker, bonded to Rotwang) is a Skraahiye hellhound bitch who lives in Hades.

A black-furred, red-eyed, beclawed and betoothed beast as is usual for a hellhound, Chokedamp is of normal build for a dog, which equates to 'weedy' in hellhound terms. Her mutation causes her fur and tail to appear scaly.

Chokedamp is conniving and sometimes worryingly bright.

Atypically (most hellhound bitches have a single puppy to a litter) Chokedamp has a non-identical littermate called Firedamp. The siblings are uncivil and close, with Chokedamp the dominant twin.

In Pro story arc terms, Chokedamp is a semi-significant contributor at best. In the Hades story arc, she is a more consequential figure.

[Additional Chokedamp profile]

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Edited January 11, 2006 11:21 pm by Mutt