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Hellhound Chokedamp (by Pepper out of Shriker, bonded to Rotwang) is a Skraahiye hellhound bitch who lives in Hades.

1. Appearance
1.1. Puppy
1.2. Adult
2. Personality
3. Abilities
4. Relationships
5. Story
6. Typical quotation

1. Appearance

1.1. Puppy

Average size, slight build. Has a sly look about her when she's not playing the wide-eyed innocent. The usual short black fur and red eyes. Her only visible mutation is a slight scaly texture to her fur.

1.2. Adult

A black-furred, red-eyed, beclawed and betoothed beast as is usual for a hellhound, Chokedamp is of normal build for a dog, which equates to 'weedy' in hellhound terms. Her Skraahiye mutation causes her fur and tail to appear scaly.

2. Personality

Chokedamp is conniving and sometimes worryingly bright.

3. Abilities

Her hunting and brawling skills are only average, but she has a talent for incendiary magic, as well as some other types. Like all purebred hellhounds she has a natural resistance to fire and fire spells.

4. Relationships

Atypically (most hellhound bitches have a single puppy to a litter) Chokedamp has a non-identical littermate called Firedamp. The siblings are uncivil and close, with Chokedamp the dominant twin.

She is bonded to dm Rotwang (pron. "rote fang").

5. Story

In Pro story arc terms, Chokedamp is a semi-significant contributor at best. In the Hades story arc, she is a more consequential figure.

6. Typical quotation

"Oh yes, I'm talking to you. Eat firebolt, sniffer of litterboxes!"

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Edited June 10, 2006 11:04 am by Mutt