Daniel Midden

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Daniel Joshua Midden, 23 years old, somewhere out there in the US of A. Candy's faerie character, in both meanings of the word. He's either a cowardly asshole or the poor victim of his circumstances, depending on your point of view.

There have been two incarnations of Daniel. Originally he was a [Changeling: the Dreaming]? character for Transicíon? chronicle, forming a motley with his SO, the chinchilla pooka Savory, and their bad-mouthed nocker friend Sonntag (Sunday). This "original Daniel" was somewhat different in personality as well.: nice, social but quiet, and with a completely cowardly Unseelie side. Daniel's ultimate solution, when things got too difficult, was to run away. He did this rather spectacularly, first running away from home across the States, then to the middle of Atlantis to Transicíon, and finally all the way to Europe. His story in the chronicle ended when he, for both the right reasons and cowardly excuses, up and left his motley and moved to France.

The more recent version of Daniel is his second incarnation, as a non-WoD? character. He shall star in my yet-unnamed story, the purpose of which is mostly to introduce the new Daniel, anyway. He's fae, but in this world, "fae" are the children of mortals and immortals - the true Fair Folk. With permission I retained Savory and Sunday in his history, but all the rest is revamped. He was born in the States, spent a brief time in Transicíon and in Europe, but now lives again in an unspecified part of the States. His personality... well, the original Daniel was more just sweet and pitiable. The new incarnation can be, if unintentionally, completely insensitive cowardly asshole, who loves victimizing himself.

(Be excpeting that story, I'm going to finish it.)

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Edited May 23, 2004 9:20 pm by Candy