Showing revision 2
Dogs on Shade are good and waggy
- Dogs are found across Shade including on Dor Roc.
- Subspecies of wolf
- No special interaction with foxes, other than some being bred to hunt them
- No breeds but functions. A herder is by definition a dog bred for herding.
- Herder/shepherd
- Bred for intelligence and herding behaviour. Generally erect ears, slightly low back end, agile, intense 'eye'
- Stalker/setter
- Silent scent hunters. Bred to 'set', point, flush, etc when prey is encountered (depending on local hunting preferences)
- Courser
- As you'd expect, greyhoundy
- Retriever
- Strong swimmers, soft-mouthed, bred to fetch
- (Hunting) hound
- Large, high-endurance sight-hunters, typically rough-coated
- Guard dog
- Often double as family pets and come in variety of shapes (often working dog puppies less suited to task will be given away as pet/guard dogs)
- Terrier
- Small and tenacious, uniquely crafted for getting things out of burrows and shaking them to death
- War dog
- Mastiffs of the Pugnaces Britanniae sort - see [1]
- etc