Evez Epox is
Mutt's character for a PBeM game.
Epox is a shapeshifter who uses its gadget, which it grandly calls the Infinity Box, to disguise itself more effectively. Epox is normally seen in human disguise.
Name: Evez Epox
Age: Uncertain
Species: Ukite
Homeworld: Chirax Gamma
Gender: None, asexual species
- 1. Appearance
- 1.1. Human
- 1.2. Alien
2. Abilities
- 3. Alien powers
- 3.1. Shapeshifting
- 3.2. Energy blast
4. Epox's gadget - the 'Infinity Box'
- 4.1. Appearance
- 4.2. Function
- 4.3. Species templates
- 4.4. Images of a person
5. Origin Story
1. Appearance
1.1. Human
An unremarkable person [of ethnicity to fit the setting], very average in height, weight and build, somewhat androgynous, but probably a man.
1.2. Alien
Blue-skinned humanoid with delicate frills, wearing a silly-looking hi-tech toga (has no special powers, just pockets, but like any clothing from Epox's homeworld it shapeshifts with Epox).
2. Abilities
Epox can speak and read the dominant language of the setting, but no others of this planet. It has good technical knowledge but very little experience of local technologies. Epox does not need to sleep, but it does spend several hours every day 'meditating' in a cold bath with only its head above water. Epox needs to breathe air; it can only survive under water for short periods.
3. Alien powers
3.1. Shapeshifting
Epox can alter its body - for example, to make its skin more durable or change colour. However, it needs the Infinity Box to provide a template if it wants to shift into something vastly different from itself.
If its power is disrupted, or Epox is sufficiently injured, unconscious, asleep etc, Epox returns to its real shape.
3.2. Energy blast
I'm thinking something weakish, but that can be used pretty much unlimited times.
4. Epox's gadget - the 'Infinity Box'
4.1. Appearance
About the size of a pack of playing cards and unmistakably alien in design, which is why Epox carries it slung over its shoulder or round its neck in a little pouch - the sort of small padded case in which you'd expect to find a compact digital camera.
4.2. Function
The Infinity Box stores "blueprints" for Epox's shapeshifting. It can work in two ways: to store either a species template, or an image of a particular person.
4.3. Species templates
Allow Epox to shapeshift into a generic member of that species. (I'm very much thinking polymorph self - average stats for that species, and for injury and other purposes it's a new critter/new body each time.)
4.4. Images of a person
An image of a person includes phsyiology, strength and agility, appearance, voice, scent, etc. It does not include the person's knowledge, training or powers, so Epox would have to act in-character to the best of its knowledge in order to pass successfully as that person.
The stored images are of a person at a particular time and don't update if the person should cut their hair, get injured, etc, unless Epox replaces them with a new image.
One of the images is of Epox's usual human diguise.
I think the gadget would be limited as to the number of blueprints stored. Unless the subject agrees to be scanned, there's probably some difficulty involved in acquiring an image.
5. Origin Story
The Agedo, air-breathers who look something like red shark-crocodiles, live on Chirax Beta. The Ukite, Epox's species, blue frilled folks with very weak shapeshifting power, live on Chirax Gamma.
The two planets orbit Chirax in the same plane and direction, but one faster than the other, with the effect that for about ten years of every fifty the planets are close enough for the Agedo to come and plunder the Ukite. The Ukite taste pretty good, you see, and other than the occasional cull and mass execution for disobedience, they mostly farm themselves. To help the process along, the Agedo implant microorganisms into Ukite children to enhance their flavour and make them even more peaceful and docile.
However... 0.5% of Ukite, rather than incubating the parasites, reabsorb them and gain special powers from them.
Of that 0.5%, about 2% manage to conceal the fact and avoid being executed.
Of that 2%, there has been one known escapee.
The Agedo were not pleased.