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Hellhound Firedamp (by Pepper out of Shriker, bonded to dm Lacuna) is a hellhound dog who lives in Hades.

Firedamp has black fur and red eyes like usual hellhounds. He is of large build, approaching the size of a small bear when fully grown. He has no mutation.

Firedamp has a non-identical littermate called Chokedamp (atypical - most hellhound bitches have a single puppy to a litter).

Firedamp is strong, stupid and loyal to his sister, whom he ranks above everybody but his master. He is mostly even-tempered.

Firedamp does not appear much in the Twine Wars story arc, though he is consequential in the Hades timeline.

[Additional Firedamp profile, written for a board that was never started]

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Edited January 11, 2006 11:35 pm by Mutt