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This is a shared concept, character or setting.
However, this only applies when she is working in the Cross'd Roads inns!

Kaninchen started out as an unnamed NPC barmaid in the Schemers' Corner inn. Mutt thought of somewhere to go with the character and thus she is now semi-NPCish (the idea being that any writer can have a character order food/drinks normally and assume she will fetch them, but for more personal interactions and in places other than the Cross'd Roads, she's written by Mutt).

Kaninchen is out of a job since the destruction of the Cross'd Roads' second tavern. It remains to be seen whether she will apply for a job at the new one.

Kaninchen hails from the Buttercup Plains on Shade, where she is attached to the Ebcedict Set revolutionary cadre, her primary task being to smuggle equipment and information.

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Edited October 8, 2006 1:57 am by Mutt