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Vánan, also called the high or old tongue, and sometimes eastern lingo (which is something of a derogatory term). It is to the world of Arken what Latin was to medieval Europe: the language of clergy and scholars. It is also the only written language in Arken. There are simply no systems or characters needed for transliterating the spoken languages.

In truth - no, Candy hasn't created a whole new language. By no means. What Vánan actually is, is a "butchered" version of Finnish. There are some rules for changing the spellings, and other than that I try for an aesthetically pleasing result. My goal, meaning-wise, is that Vánan can't immediately be recognized for a crude, clumsy version of Finnish, but at least after reading a translation, any Finnish-speaker should be able to see the connection.

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Edited May 12, 2004 10:03 pm by Candy