Zade is 5'6" with fair skin and grey eyes. His brown hair is kept short and simple and is swept back with lots of gel. He is always seen wearing business suits, shirts and ties. He is also always seen carrying a katana.
If one looks particularly closely at Zade, one will notice that his hips are bigger than most men's, and his chest is not as firm. He lacks an adams apple, his facial features are distinctly feminine. However the chances of getting close enough to Zade to notice these things are pretty nonexistant.
Zade is not evil, despite how he comes across. He is merely without morals (or at least, he is without many morals), which is something else entirely. An evil person goes against what is good; Zade simply does as he pleases. He has no qualms about murdering or crippling people who piss him off.
Zade is not very emotional. Most who meet him are surprised on the odd occasions where he proves that he does, in fact, feel things other than severe annoyance. However his annoyance with the world at large is the main thing that he feels most of the time. The world pisses him off, and he is therefore in a constant state of irritability.
Zade swears a lot... more than a lot. Zade is not usually heard to speak without at least one curse per sentence, and often more than that. His swearing is usually very graphic, crude and would be generally disruptive, however, Zade is a very soft-spoken person, and as such no one seems to be too bothered by the vampire muttering curses quietly in the corner.
Zade is a female-to-male transsexual. Born physically female, his mind is completely male. For more information on transgenderedism, see the [wikipedia article on transsexualism].
Zade cannot take hormones as they would not work on his vampiric body, and he cannot get surgery due to the risk of the surgeons discovering the fact that vampires exist. His body is still 100% female and will remain so until he dies. He hides it well, however, by binding his breasts and speaking in a monotone (which he does unintentionally, but it apparently has a bonus effect of hiding any femininity in his voice). He does not "pack" his crotch for a bulge, finding the idea repulsive.
It is unlikely that anyone not very well acquainted with Zade would notice the fact that his body is female, and if they did, they should probably not mention it or let on they know if they enjoy the whole being-alive gig.
Zade is completely asexual. He has no sexual urges and no romantic inclination.
Zade doesn't like Lance, but he loves him (but would never, ever, ever admit it) in a platonic, very-best-friend kind of way, mixed with a healthy dose of "fucking hell he's annoying". Despite how much Zade swears at Lance, insults him and insists that he's worthless, he really does care for the angel very much, and has put a lot of work into keeping him happy and out of trouble.
Zade has his own particular kind of tough love which he bestows upon Lance. It seems to work the trick, however, because although it is rarely seen by others, Lance and Zade are two of the closest souls that the universe has seen.
Zade is extremely protective of Katai. Katai was the first person to genuinely care for Zade without expecting anything in return, and without judging him. Because of this, Zade not only cares for Katai very much, but considers Katai to be his truest friend.
As much as Zade's protection of Katai stems from love, it can be a touch stifling. Anyone who seeks to get any closer to Katai than a friend saying hello and discussing the weather should step very carefully, because it's never clear what Zade will consider overstepping boundries. This isn't to say Zade doesn't allow Katai a social life; it just means that he's usually not far away, watching everything and just waiting for someone to make the wrong move so he can make them very unhappy.
The list of people who have died at Zade's hand because they got too close to Katai is very, very long.
Zade hates Lucifer, for a lot of reasons. He doesn't hate Lucifer in the same way that he hates everyone - he hates Lucifer in a rather angry, violent and personal way. He also has quite a lot of contempt for the man, considering him (rightly so) a manipulative, deceptive bastard.
Zade and Hans have an unspoken understanding. They stay out of each other's way.
Zade hates everyone. Don't expect him to take a liking to you or your character. He won't.
Zade is quite the Mary Sue, and his player is guilty of (consensually) godmoding with him. Zade is a very powerful character, and as such his player tries to avoid using him in serious roleplay unless the story is just too damn interesting to leave him out.
Most authors (including his own) love Zade to iddy bitty bits (it is suspected this has something to do with the fact he is and always will be totally unavailable in every possible way). It is only because of this that he is involved in as many stories as he is - his tendency to be such a godmoding character should be annoying, and yet people keep adoring him and wanting him to be involved. Erin doesn't understand this, but is not prepared to look gift horses in the mouth. They might bite.
Zade would come equipped with a "Approach with Caution" sign on his head, but the bastard keeps killing all the people we send to pin it on him.