This article describes an injoke; probably shouldn't take it too seriously...
Flumpotronian is a language invented by Mutt and, currently, only used by den. It is spoken by the inhabitants of the fictional world of Flumpotron. This may or may not have something to do with BitMaP.
- Eg - I, me
- Og - You (singular)
- Ug - It, she, he, de, zie
- Sleg - We, us
- Slog - You (plural)
- Slug - They, them
These examples use the verb
bad, to sing. The verb infinitive is identical to the past-accomplished tense.
- Past Accomplished - eg bad - I sang (a completed action)
- Present - ug band - she is singing
- Future Certain - ug bald - he will sing
- Past Interrupted - og bawd - you were singing (but then...)
- Future Uncertain - eg bamd - I might sing (if...)
Verbs generally have a subject and an object. Verbs do not 'agree' with other components; they are only modified according to tense. The object (that which has the verb done to it) is marked with ot.
These examples use the verd dod, to speak (with).
- eg dond ot og - I am speaking to you
- ot eg dond og - you are speaking to me
- og dond ot eg - you are speaking to me
- ot eg dond ot og - we are speaking to each other
Useful or interesting phrases
- Flump McFlump - traditional greeting
- Mallow-mallow - traditional farewell
- Eg shand - I rule
- Sleg bend ot Snogster - We like Snoggykins
- Eg deld ot Paister - I am going to vanquish Piper
- Shad, shand, shald - "Ruled, ruling, will rule" (motto of one of the high houses)
- Gad, gand, gald - "Danced, dancing, will dance" (motto of one of the lower, rogueish houses, partially intended to satirise the preceding)