Green has little or no memory dating back more than a few years. However, her recent memory is normal and she remembers accurately, and believes, everything she is told. She shows a child's powerful curiosity but can be deflected from a course of relentless questioning if told off firmly enough.
Green's age is hard to determine because of her species' physiology and her behaviour. The teeth are sharp and seem in good condition. The claws are businesslike. The tail is thick and sturdy. In size she is 1.9m (6'6") to the shoulder, like [this umaa], but with a longer neck.
Green's scales feel like any of her species'.
She has "a voice that could belong to a child, if the child weighed one and a half tonnes and had a throat longer than any reasonable person's leg [and] Warm breath, faintly scented with a bouquet of green hay, roses and cedar" [1]
Green has an eye condition affecting the filaments in the ocular humour (assume somewhat different anatomy from human eye), giving her what appear to be matte gold eyes with no visible pupils. This is not normal, although the cause hasn't been definitively stated. It may or may not be significant that several races across the galaxy refer to such conditions as 'the mark of the gods', a punishment.