Grundraak ("groon-drahk"), green
dragons, are a
sapient pseudoreptilian species thought up by
A generic Western dragon with four legs, a long neck balanced by a proportional tail, and two wings. Covered in rigid green scales. There are no ridges or protruding scales along the spine or in other areas. The head is somewhat horselike with ears that prick, swivel, flatten and generally express things. Body language is more that of a predatory animal.
The teeth are sharp; new sets are grown regularly. The claws are businesslike. The tail is thick and sturdy, not whiplike, and has no blade.
Adult specimens are around 6' to the shoulder.
The scales are hard, keratinous and generally fairly smooth to the touch. They match the surrounding area in temperature. Drakes are not notably heat-resistant or coldproof, but are outwardly waterproof.
one, singularly unrepresentative, specimen has been encountered at
Profusion. This section applies to the former grundraak culture.
These drakes have no magic and only basic technology and scientific knowledge. They have a highly-developed religious system based around four gods, each of which is believed to patronise (or punish) a different section of dragonkind.
Grundraak have their own language, but it's the sort of thing that makes linguists wake up in cold sweats. Any word or root in this highly complex and subtle language has many different degrees and shades of meaning depending on tone and context. The sibilants are also murder on anyone without a scaly snout.
- Lith - thing (root of various words)
- Hisslith - that which is cunning, cunning one, (in neutral tone) honorific given to god Gwaed the Cunning
- Ssislith - inquisitorious, questioning one, intelligence, that which is bright and cold like stars (stars were believed to be made of cold metal) - could be spoken in 'cold' tone (implying dispassion and ruthlessness) or 'warm' tone (implying fairness or the love of fairness)
- Umaa - umaa (onomatopoeic slang)
They are nothing like, and not related to, isjdrakons.