It has a few features that distinguish it from other heaven realms.
First of all, to the visitor or ex-mortal resident, there is no obvious ruling power visibly running the whole place. It must be emphasised that this doesn't mean there isn't one.
The resident angels, who are in charge for most practical purposes, are specific that there is a High Power but will not be drawn on the details.
Heaven is not a democracy and is not transparently governed.
Whereas Hades is shaped by the beliefs, expectations and general mental instability of the souls that go there, this is much less true of heaven, which is governed and not self-aware.
and many souls.
Angels are frequently seen around heaven and are in charge of the souls there, although not all of them spend much time with the souls. Hounds, also sometimes seen moving around in triplets or small groups, are not at the souls' beck and call and do not make themselves particularly approachable.
Heaven receives souls from several worlds, including an Earthlike planet. Angels can visit all of these worlds to spread their influence. Rarely, they will visit a place outside the catchment zone, though only for a serious reason.
People go to heaven after dying if they want, and are convinced they deserve, to go there. They are let in at the discretion of the management.
Excepting the arrival of new souls, there are no permissible routes in or out for mortals or ex-mortal souls. Angels and hounds can leave and return with permission.
Like other heavens, this is a place of rest and reward for the souls of mortals from its specific catchment area after they die.
Unlike Hadean denizens, the souls do not unconsciously inflict personalised rewards on themselves. It's not a question of hanging around drinking ale or strumming harps all day, either, but whatever 'activities' are on offer are communal.
Heavenly denizens are not isolated and self-absorbed, as souls in hell tend to be (or become).
Heaven came about as a result of several cultures' belief in a good place that was granted to good people after death, and was populated by awe-inspiring beings.
Heaven has a ruling power, and so has always been under central control rather than changed by changing beliefs.
Like Hades, heaven organises its own celestial Hunts, in which the hunters consist of hound packs accompanied by angels on the wing.
None yet known.