All Instarrians have magical ability at a similar, extremely weak, level.
Unlike on Shade, Instar uses only workings. There is no dissemination of spells, so effectively no casters; indeed, spells are outlawed when they become an issue.
Magic is generally only used ceremonially, for cosmetic purposes - generally as a way to display aesthetic sophistication.
Consequently, people don't tend to think of it as 'magic', as in a way of making things happen, at all. Finding out all the things Shade can do with the same techniques is a huge culture shock.
The only people who generally use magic are designated ritual or temple magicians. These are a little like priests, but not always associated with a religion: there are civic ritual magicians too.
Only ritual magicians are supposed to use magic, and even they are actively discouraged from practising the ceremonial workings outside ceremonies.
This is curious, since all other aspects of civic ceremonies are rehearsed to perfection. During walk-throughs the ritualist will skip over the magic and substitute something like "and the light show goes here".
Although all magic is performed by working, there is no improvisation. The workings follow precise and time-honoured acceptable procedures. Permission to innovate is restricted to suitable authorities.
This adds another offence to the list of transgressions Weft is clocking up by associating with Suitov Iceheart.