Mindbond (Mutt)

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Mindbonds in Muttiverse species are seen in many different forms and relationships. They have some features in common with other mindbonds.

1. Vocabulary
1.1. Skewed
1.2. Low-level
1.3. High-level
1.4. Emotion bleed
1.5. State-of-mind transfer
1.6. Mind-to-mind
1.7. Shielded
1.8. Deepcore
1.9. Control
2. Muttiverse bond classifications
2.1. Family class
2.2. Demon class

1. Vocabulary

There are some specific terms used in Muttiverse bond studies.

1.1. Skewed

Bond is unequal, biased towards one side

1.2. Low-level

The bond affects (changes) the participants' mental makeup in a fundamental way. Often allows for secure communication.

1.3. High-level

The bond only affects the 'high levels' of consciousness - it may only work when a participant wants it to. A high-level bond is less likely to suffer emotion bleed and more likely to be removable.

1.4. Emotion bleed

Emotions of one bondmate leak across the bond, affecting the other's mood (often unconsciously)

1.5. State-of-mind transfer

One bondmate can consciously affect the mood of another, to calm, comfort etc.

1.6. Mind-to-mind

Thoughtspeech, like a two-way radio. Method of communication varies (text, sound, picture...)

1.7. Shielded

When talking about mind-to-mind communication in general, means that it is concealed from anyone but the bonded. (Also see Shaded telepathy.) In mindbonds, the term refers to protective devices built into the bond's structure itself. The bondmates may be able to provide additional shielding, if they have the skill.

1.8. Deepcore

Deepcore is a term referring to the fastest and securest communication theoretically and practically possible, found only in roots-level (i.e. the lowest level) bonds.

Generally, as is the case with demonic bonds, there is no way to intercept deepcore communication short of destroying the bond itself (which is not something your character can do unless you agree differently with Mutt).

A low-level bond may have other, less secure levels of communication possible as an alternative, making it possible for a telepathic individual to join in the conversation (or to be deliberately allowed to 'overhear' something).

1.9. Control

One bondmate can affect the other's actions. Varies from mild suggestion to out-and-out "possession" (as in a demon/hellhound pair). This is thought to be exclusive to skewed bonds.

2. Muttiverse bond classifications

2.1. Family class

Family-class bonds are so called because they were first observed amongst blood relatives. They were named according to the relationships where they were first or most commonly found. These bonds have only been observed in highly social species with strong family or tribal ties. Bear in mind that these are rough classifications and that bonds can change over time (eg from parental to something more equal).





For certain of the species examined, mindbonds such as these were found to be very common. In the majority of the test groups, however, such connections were very rare (and were often shown to indicate particular uncommon mental attributes).

2.2. Demon class

See their own page.



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Last edited July 24, 2006 11:39 pm by Mutt