Flumpotronian is a
language invented by
Mutt and, currently, mainly used by zir
- Eg - I, me
- Og - You (singular)
- Ug - It, she, zie?, he
- Sleg - We, us
- Slog - You (plural)
- Slug - They, them
These examples use the verb
bad, to sing. The verb infinitive is identical to the past-accomplished tense.
- Past Accomplished eg bad - I sang (a completed action)
- Present ug band - she is singing
- Future Certain ug bald - he will sing
- Past Interrupted og bawd - you were singing (but then...)
- Future Uncertain eg bamd - I might sing (if...)
Verbs generally have a subject and an object. Verbs do not 'agree' with other components; they are only modified according to tense. The object (that which has the verb done to it) is marked with ot.
These examples use the verd dod, to speak (with).
- eg dond ot og - I am speaking to you
- ot eg dond og - you are speaking to me
- og dond ot eg - you are speaking to me
- ot eg dond ot og - we are speaking to each other
Useful or interesting phrases
- Flump McFlump - traditional greeting
- Mallow-mallow - traditional farewell
- Eg shand - I rule
- Sleg bend ot Snogster - We like Snog
- Eg deld ot Paister - I am going to vanquish Piper
- Shad, shand, shald - "Ruled, rule, will rule" (motto of one of the high houses)
- Gad, gand, gald - "Danced, dance, will dance" (motto of one of the lower, rogueish houses, partially intended to satirise the preceding)