Laffent Ferrl

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Laffent Ferrl, Crusher First Class, is an orken officer in Suitov Iceheart's Suitov's Army.


Tall, straight back, strong stance, short-cropped light brown hair, lively burnt sienna eyes, skeptical expression.


Ferrl is pronounced with a schwa* before the L - not as long as 'referral', but more like how an American English speaker would pronounce 'furl'. Laffent is stressed equally on both syllables.


"Bollocks and pebbledash!"
--[Laffent's first ever words on a storyboard]

* a schwa is a [neutral vowel sound], like the e in 'orken' and 'Laffent'

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Edited November 16, 2006 12:14 am by Mutt