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Lance is a fallen angel. He is Erin's main and favourite character.

1. Appearance
2. Origins and History
3. Personality
4. Relationships and Sexuality
4.1. With Zade
4.2. With Lucifer (Erin)
4.3. With Katai
4.4. With Death
4.5. With Jaina
4.6. With Weft
5. Miscellaneous

1. Appearance

Lance is approximately six feet tall with a lithe build and a fair complexion. He has blue eyes and long black hair that falls just past his shoulders. While he is quite good-looking, with the exception of his wings he does not have any distinguishing features.

His wings are black and leathery, similar to bat wings, or mythological dragon wings. They are very large--larger than most angels' wings--and are about twice to thrice the size of Lance himself.

Lance dresses in a variety of different ways depending on his mood and the weather, but is most often seen in simply a black t-shirt, black jeans and a pair of hiking boots. He also frequently wears a pair of sunglasses when outside, apparently both in the effort to look cool and also because he's strangely worried about the effects of UV rays on his eyesight.

2. Origins and History

Lance started out as a feathery-white lovely angel in Heaven?, serving under Goddess? and spending most of his time skipping about and singing "tra-la-la". Unlike many fallen angels, he never felt as if something were wrong in his life or he would be better off elsewhere.

Purely by accident, Lance happened upon a musty old book hidden away in the shadows of Goddess' realm. Curiosity got the better of him, and he opened it up and flipped through it. This book was the chronicles of belief history, that is to say, the origins of God, Goddess and Gods. As fascinating as it was, it was not something that a mere angel was to know (the chronicles have since been moved to a much more secretive and secure location).

God, Goddess and Gods shattered Lance's wings and stripped them bare, a very cruel and violating punishment that left him pyschologically traumatized and physically broken and bleeding. The punishment did not end there, however, and God, Goddess and Gods cast Lance out of Heaven and sent him plummeting into Hell?.

In Hell, he was discovered by the Chaos Gods, who took great delight in the pure (that is, cast out instead of falling by choice) angel that had fallen into their hands. Masters of pain and violation, the Chaos gods raped and tortured Lance in ways more brutal than had ever been executed before. After an indeterminate length of time, Lance was approached by Lucifer (Erin), the King of Hell.

Lucifer confiscated Lance from the Chaos Gods and nursed him back to health. Due to the nature of the Devil and his offers and temptations, Lance then entered into a dominant/submissive relationship with Lucifer that ended badly when Lance came to the conclusion that living in Hell was wrecking havoc on his psyche. After an impressive argument, Lucifer cast Lance out of Hell and into the realm of Mortality.

In the Mortal Coil, Lance was discovered by a young girl-child named Chalana and her somewhat out-of-place pet dragon. It was revealed that Chalana's function in the Mortal Coil was that of Life, the partner and polar opposite of Death. Chalana explained how life in the Mortal Coil worked to Lance, and then allowed him to stay with her until he found lodgings and a life of his own, caring for him as he found his way in his new world.

Not having any marketable skills other than his sexuality, Lance eventually found work as a stripper. The nature of his contract included a small room for him to live in, and to be paid cash in hand. He befriended a fellow stripper named Roy, and the two began a sexual relationship which was essentially for the same reason as Lance had begun his relationship with Lucifer - as Lance was still burning from not having an all-powerful influence in his life, he sought to replace Goddess with lovers.

Roy and Lance broke up when Roy's other boyfriend decided he wanted to be monogamous. Stranded for the first time without a lover or a carer of any description, Lance found himself finally having to deal with what had happened to him on a psychological scale.

Lance attempted suicide in a dark back-alley of the city, cutting open one forearm, both thighs and then stabbing himself in the stomach. Unfortunately, Death did not come to sweep him away, but instead came to tell him that he was being ridiculous, as he couldn't die.

Normally when a soul is transferred to another realm, they are essentially signing over their permission for Death to reincarnate them in their new home. Because Lance bounced from realm to realm without his consent or any real want to change, his soul was still bound to Heaven regardless of whether he himself was allowed there. Because of this rare occurance, Lance was for all intents and purposes, immortal.

Death healed Lance's wounds and left him covered in his own blood and weeping, his wings unfolded for all to see. This was the moment when Lance first met Zade.

Zade came upon Lance's form and swore profusely at him to stop being such a coward. Not knowing the reasons for Lance's despair, he uttered a few unhelpful and insulting comments and then let slip about a nightclub called Hades?, where non-humans gather together for support and socialization. With nothing more to be said, Zade continued on his way, throwing a few more curses over his shoulder.

So it was that Lance discovered Hades, and learned of Zade's name and reputation from the bouncer, Hans. Once in Hades, Lance met Katai for the first time, finding himself sexually attracted to the dengel? but had his offers firmly refused.

Later in life, Lance met Amelia, who worked at an unfortunate youths' refuge. They quickly fell in love and Lance also got along very well with Amelia's daughter, Amee. However as happy as they were, it was not to be, as a dengel under Lucifer's command murdered Amelia one night not long after Lance and Amelia had moved in together.

In his rage and despair at losing Amelia, Lance himself struck out and murdered the dengel in question, and that being had the pleasure of being the only person Lance has ever killed. Not thinking clearly, it was all Lance could do to get Amee to a safe place (which turned out to be with Roy and his boyfriend) before collapsing in devastation and once again attempting suicide in a much more violent manner.

Once again Death simply scolded Lance for his stupidity, and when his wounds were healed, Lance found himself staring up at Zade and Katai, who had come to care for him.

Due to Zade's questionable consolations, it was the last time Lance ever attempted to die.

3. Personality

At first glance, and for a majority of the time, Lance is a very friendly and happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He's very sexual and loves to flirt, but he never expects anything to come of it unless otherwise indicated by his target.

Asking the right questions might cause a bit of a darker mood from him, but even then he will usually shake it off and try to change the subject to something much happier.

In the unlikely event that you manage to get him in a mood that's anything other than chirpy and frivolous, you may want to be careful. It's not that he's dangerous, but a person that's been through that much trauma usually has a few personal demons that haven't yet reared their heads.

Lance is hopeless when it comes to anything involving conflict. He cannot fight in any kind of way and is more likely to hurt himself with a weapon before it's even pointed in the right direction at his opponent. He is also never really angry or focussed enough to fight well - Lance is a bit of a scatterbrain, always thinking about a thousand things and never really focussed on anything.

This is not to say he is stupid; not at all. Lance is very intelligent, he is quick to grasp new concepts and has a very good memory. He's just too busy trying to be happy to really use his intelligence in any useful way.

In a nutshell, Lance is a Nice Guy(tm).

4. Relationships and Sexuality

Lance is nothing if not in love with love. He clearly devotes a good portion of his life and energy towards love, and it probably wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that he feels incomplete without a lover.

Lance is pansexual; it is merely coincidence that the majority of his past lovers have been male. He is also polyamorous, which means he is never particularly worried about "cheating", as whenever he finds someone new to be interested in, he informs just about everyone in the world.

4.1. With Zade

Lance's relationship with Zade is complicated even during its most simple moments. While Lance has no open sexual interest in Zade, Lance is also probably the only person to have been in any kind of sexual position or atmosphere with him. That, however, was a single moment, and has not been repeated (or even talked about) since then.

When they first encountered each other, Lance disliked Zade as much as it was returned. Lance is quite fond of those who give him some tough love, however, and Zade is certainly adept at that. Through all the swearing, Lance is not fooled; he has come to realize that Zade cares for him very deeply, and he cares very deeply for Zade in return.

Although the concept of soul mates has never been proven or disproven in Lance's world, Lance and Zade are a good example for those wishing to give an argument for such a hypothesis.

4.2. With Lucifer (Erin)

Lance doesn't so much dislike Lucifer as he is deathly afraid of him. Knowing that you have something akin to a God after your flesh is not a comforting thought for anyone, even less so when you realize that you've already spurned said being.

4.3. With Katai

Lance is very much in love with Katai, even though he's aware that a sexual (or even vaguely romantic) relationship would never be possible due to the understanding between Katai and Zade. Lance and Katai have a very loving, touchy-feely kind of friendship, not entirely unlike brothers might have.

4.4. With Death

Death really doesn't like Lance. He causes too much paperwork. Lance doesn't really like Death, either, as he's generally quite impolite and won't just let Lance die and be done with it.

4.5. With Jaina

Lance and Jaina Jade met at some point in the past, though it has yet to be explained when and where (quite possibly they were introduced by Zara Jade, Jaina's neice). Lance finds Jaina a wonderful friend with a great sense of humour, and considers her a great drinking buddy.

4.6. With Weft

Lance finds Weft hilarious. He has a minor sexual interest, but the main reason Lance loves Weft so much is because he apparently finds being in Lance's presence extremely uncomfortable. Due to the fact Lance is about as threatening as a cuddly teddy bear, he finds this just magical and takes immense pleasure in tormenting the poor monk.

5. Miscellaneous

Lance is Erin's favourite character, and is generally at least liked (if not adored) by other authors as well. Even if the world goes bottom-up, and cats are living with dogs and it rains trout, Lance will still be hanging around somewhere hitting on the prettiest person in the room.

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Edited December 7, 2006 3:51 pm by Mutt