Magic (Instar)

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Magic in Weftworld works on Muttiverse rules.

Prevalence of ability

All Weftworld humanoids have magical ability at a similar, very weak, level. Since they can't learn to do much that's useful, not everyone uses it, and often it's only used ceremonially.

Consequently, they don't tend to think of it as 'magic', as in a way of making things happen, at all.

Finding out all the things Shade can do with the same techniques is a huge culture shock.


Unlike on Shade, Instar does not subdivide people into 'casters' and 'workers'. There is no dissemination of spells, so effectively no casters.

All magic is performed by 'working', though there is no improvisation: workings follow precise and time-honoured acceptable rituals. Permission to innovate is confined to suitable authorities.

This adds another offence to the list of transgressions Weft is clocking up by associating with Suitov.

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Edited January 11, 2007 12:47 pm by Mutt