Specifically, Siri Buckleyhurst is a magical healer from Shade written by Mutt.
A faleigh woman, Siri is medium-small in height and healthy in build. At 19 she is "A typical enough rural nineteen-year-old. If one went by the hands, she wasn't shy of work." [1]
Her face is typical for someone healthy and rural. Plenty of colour in the skin, clear bright eyes, not-huge lips, neck may be slightly on the thick side, very very human ears. Face is not aristocratic, not pinched and would never be thought intimidating or glowering unless through sheer force of personality; Siri can look very fierce when a patient misbehaves.
Her black hair is seen at different lengths and in varying cuts, but generally shorter than chin length. Her eyes are blueish-greenish (as are her magic effects, which show up as spots/patches of light around the head while in trance).
As a young woman, Siri wears long-sleeved shirts, often white, and trousers most of the time. Occasionally she'll wear a formal robelike dress (or should that be dresslike robe?) with a sash at the waist.
Siri is gifted and skilled, though not very experienced, in tending most injuries and treating symptoms of most illnesses by normal (mechanical) methods, including some physiotherapy (not viewed at the time as a discipline in its own right). Her knowledge is confined to diseases she's seen or been taught about, along with anything she can extrapolate from that. She has hardly any experience with rocca and people from outside Shade.
She can perform magical healing through the usual trance state, to a pretty high level and without major cockups. As an itinerant student Siri lacks the expertise to cure a serious virus.
There are visible magic trails, notably blue-green light specks around her head, when Siri is in trance. [2] As a student she is completely absorbed and unaware of anything else while in trance.
Siri possesses some other basic magics, learned and improvised (working only). She knows little self-defence fighting and no martial arts, not even a quick knife to the jugular: her tools are only for patching people up.
By people, we mean faleigh- and small-to-medium-sized animals. She knows a bit about horses and livestock in theory only.
It appears Siri is an only child and rather wanted a little sibling, or several. It is suspected that she liked animals as a child.
Siri's heart is in the right place. Perhaps unfortunately, she believes everyone else's to be in the right place too.
Siri's defining characteristic may be her drive to fix things -- or, rather, people. She genuinely likes them, even if she does need a little solitude from time to time to avoid feeling like she's going crazy. In spite of some youthful opinionatedness and even selfrighteousness, Siri has always been a good, and not outwardly judgmental, listener in a doctor-patient situation.
Certain principles can't be compromised. Though there aren't any formal requirements for doctors and healers to keep secrets, if you said it in a fever dream or told her confidentially, nobody will even know she heard anything. She has no qualms about lying or obfuscating to keep someone's private details private. There is only one circumstance in which she will (reluctantly) refuse to treat somebody she is able to treat.
Siri is a pacifist and thinks the world would be a nicer place if everyone else was, too. She loves animals. Her eating habits follow an obscure midwestern tradition.