Daaren is one of Anke's characters. He is originally from Eodea, but contracted an affliction that had him get around different worlds.
He hates to feel useless. He can be very patient if there is some purpose behind it (like "wait at this watering hole until a suitable piece of game appears"), but otherwise gets restless if there's nothing to do.
Somone trying to offend or provoke him would be out of luck, unless they touched one of three or four "red-button-topics", including calling him a liar or in any way, shape or form alluding to rape as acceptable.
In some matters he's very opinionated and stubborn.
When given the choice he prefers natural materials and dyes and loose fits for his clothes, but he will wear whatever, especially when he has to steal it from a washing line because he had no opportunity to collect his clothes where he left them.
He does not get into fights lightly, and needs even better reasons to kill someone. However, ideas of "honourable fighting" some people have seem downright ridiculous to him. If people don't want to get attacked from behind, they should pay more attention.
"Give a second chance wherever possible, but never a third."
Daaren dislikes dogs, Kondarans, aristocrats (No, I did not make that up thinking of Skerv and Suitov, that's been part of him before I knew Profusion...), sweet stuff and strong scents, and positively hates (modern) cities with all their stink and racket.
People taller than him make him nervous, likewise people grinning (he knows intellectually that it's often friendly, but where he grew up it was always a bad signal).
He is afraid of very small closed-in places and complete dark (the latter since it happens rarely that he can't see anything).
Daaren was mostly a hunter, scout and, if neccessary, fighter, so he has whatever skills are attached to it, including sitting very still for a long time. When it comes to weapons he prefers knife or dagger, or spears, but can handle sword and bow if needed.
He is a good runner, probably not the best sprinter around, but excels when it comes to endurance.
He can hold decent conversations in Rahji (his mothertongue), New Lantarrean and English, and knows some smatterings of Eodean Orcish and Elvish as well as German, Spanish and Russian, but cannot read or write.
For general information, see the article on eodean werewolves.
He's colourblind but has very good night vision, extremely good hearing and a very good sense of smell. If he is in a world with at least one moon with a regular cycle and orbit, and used to said moon, he has a very good sense of time and direction.
Not very proficient at controlling his metamorphosis, he has to struggle not to take on wolf-like shape for 3 days around full moon (if there's any reason not to). The change takes him at the very least half a minute of concentration. Daaren can take on an intermediate shape, but he cannot hold it longer than a few minutes.
Daaren also has minor, unschooled psionic ability he does not even recognize as such. He is usually right when he gets a feeling of being watched, and in addition to that he is very likely to get that feeling when a telepath tries to read his thoughts. When trying hard not to be noticed, he projects a weak psionic "suggestion" that there is nothing interesting just where he is (this may or may not backfire when used around a psion...)
As he learned later from Nico, he seemed to have "caught" something from her which pulled him out of whatever natural after-death-happening applied to people. When he dies, the body vanishes, and turns up in some other world. That way Daaren has by now had several lives in different times and places.