The Archmage, Felix Kurprinz von Terrellen, Markgraf zu Eskenmark, is a character of Vespers', an Ascendant?, and one of the national heroes of the Iron Flag in and just before the time of the Twine Wars. Rarely seen outside of the company of Valdemar, to whom he creates a striking contrast.
Felix's grandfather was the third son of the Erzherzog von Terrellen, one of the original Archduchies of the Flag. After his third successful campaign, he was awarded rule of the province he had added to the Flag's ever-growing possesions. By the time Felix's father came to rule Eskenmark, it was no longer truly a border Mark, but the family kept to the spirit of the Markgraf title and continued to be a major force in the expansion of the Empire's borders. Felix gained his spurs captianing a cavalry troop in his father's campaigns, and an order of (not knighthood, figure out what) for his own contributions to solidifying the Flag's hold on it's territories.
Just before and during the Wars, he picks up quite a number of ofther recognitions and titles, alone and with Valdemar. These might be listed in-story at some point.
Tall and slender, a fact accentuated by the close-tailored military jackets he favors. His close-cropped black hair, following the military fashion, frames a face is too harshly cut to be handsome, but his frequent grins softens it somewhat, revealing many of the lines to be etched by laughter.
He shows the reckless grace of his fighting-man youth in his smooth and sure movement, but generally seems to prefer to appear the eccentric mage in most things. His eccentricity conceals, or rather diguises most of the more extreme differences in his ways of thinking.
(oh, god. This will take a while. not now)
(see Character History)
Son and heir of a major warlord of the Flag. Raised to follow his footsteps, trained in the academic and warlike arts. Early career as a scout captain. Mage capability discovered explosively in 18th year, along with a nearly constant dissociative experience. Archmage potential realized several months later when well into training with his father's keystone mage back at the family residence, upon the visit of another mage from a different School. Meets and becomes friends with Valdemar several years later, as a recognized Archmage and decorated captain. By the time the Wars start, the pair have been working together for quite some time.
(Subject to change to make it less hand-wavey. or more hand-wavey)
Felix is an Archmage; within Steamy's magic system this means he is capable of utilizing multiple Schools of magic. This requires being able to believe in multiple, often contradictory worldviews fully and truly, something which mostly impossible without significant chemical or ritual props for someone who thinks 'correctly'. Felix 'suffers' (for lack of a better word) almost constantly from symptoms that suggest Dissociative episodes; he doesn't always, in fact almost never, associates himself with the 'real' world, allowing him to be much less restricted in how he applies his own modifications to the world around him.
He senses magic through all his senses, largely aural and tactile; visual only in extreme magic use or when he implements it himself for ease of interpretation. The way he manipulates magic depends on what School he's using; It can be verbal, somatic, written or any of a dozen other methods.
He is not an inventor or an innovator; he uses other people's work in ways they might not have thought possible, but he does not make up much himself.
Decent with a sword, espcially the cavalry sabre, especially mounted. More than decent but not truly exceptional with a pistol or rifle. Skilled well past the point of any concious thought in riding. As good as any soldier at rough camping. As good as any handsome nobleman's heir at dancing and preening.
Devours books whenever possible. Interested in whatever catches his eye at the moment; never specialised.
(fill it up later)