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Rat Run

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This article describes the premise and plot of a storyboard. It may contain spoilers. If the storyboard is ongoing, this article may be subject to change.

Rat Run is a silly non-canon (out of continuity) story written by Anke and Mutt.

So far we have seen Daaren and Suitov arrive at the studio of a broadcasting company, where Nico and Weft are to take part in a show.

It turns out that Nico is not there by choice, whereas Weft claims to have volunteered. The show involves a maze containing a series of puzzles and traps which one pair, Nico and Weft, must negotiate with the help from Daaren and Suitov in the studio.

Board link

Maze so far


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Last edited August 27, 2010 5:19 pm by Mutt