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Xan sort of just [turned up] in the Kit-Fox board as a then-nameless bandit queen. Meanwhile she has made herself more or less comfortable in Anke's brain.

1. Basics
2. Appearance
3. Abilities
4. Relationships
5. Links, including images

1. Basics

Xan was involved in various criminal activities before coming to the island of doom. You can assume she was zapped there while trying to steal something from ye unnamed wizard.

A short time after her arrival she got in control of a (then smaller) group of raiders through a fight and probably a bluff, and after that it was a matter of staying on top or being killed by a successor. This may account for some of her... irritability.

Xan will use "appropriate" violence (up to and including backstabbing) to reach her ends, and may use inappropriate violence when angered, but has no taste for hurting or killing in cold blood randomly. Mind you, if she's getting paid, it's not "randomly".

2. Appearance

1,73 m (slightly over 5'8''), athletic build, tan skin, grey eyes, dark brown hair worn in a braid (lenght: about mid-back)

She tends to moving while talking, stresses points with gestures, has an animated play of features etc.

3. Abilities

She's a normal human, physically fit, with decent fighting abilities. In addition to that she has some experience in burglary and riding (as well as basic care of horses), and can drink mostly anyone under the table.

She can keep up a bluff well if she had a bit of time to mentally prepare, but developed the habit of not trying to make up lies on the spot, because in her experience those get too confusing too quickly.

4. Relationships

A few of the bandits are a danger she'd like to see dead, but cannot dispatch of because they have too many friends. Most are a pain in the back she'd gladly leave behind, if she could leave the island. Some are rather indifferent and at least did not give her noticable trouble. A few have displayed loyalty to her, and she feels they deserve something in return. If they were seriously threatened, she would try to help at least anyone in the last two groups, but how much risk for herself she'd take depends on the person in question.

She has recently made the acquaintance of Weft and Sebastian and does not exactly like them.

5. Links, including images

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Last edited November 18, 2006 1:58 pm by Anke