It is a religious order whose official name was translated by Weft as "Expressions of Warm Mercies" (though it's probably better translated as Expressors of Agápē* with Compassion - definitely not Compassionate Expressors of Agápē) but known as "the monks" or plenty of euphemisms. It employs monks, all male, in various ranks and rôles.
Specific beliefs are also a mystery to the public at large. Weft has not been observed saying much on the matter in his appearances at Pro - but, then, he's never been asked. Although monks do not discuss their religion unbidden, if someone seems interested a monk will willingly get into a philosophical conversation. Just don't expect to make any headway in convincing him he's wrong.
The order has extremely good knowledge-gathering methods, and a way to share information with their agents, wherever they may be.
Profusionites have only yet encountered one of these monks, an assassin-cum-spy called Weft.
Monks, when cloistered or stationed at home base, follow a strict routine with devotions at standard times and daily training depending on their rôle.
Their food is plain ("nutritious and hypoallergenic and famously discouraged at least four deadly sins"). Field agents and other monks with duties away from a monastery can eat 'manabars', white, chewy, largely tasteless pressed food with many of the properties of order food. It has been hinted that these taste worse for a monk with a guilty conscience, though further details about this property are unknown.
Monks do not eat or drink anything intoxicating or narcotic. The only approved drinks seen so far include a clear "water with stuff bubbled through it", drunk cold, and a translucent liquid with a green tint, served hot. Both smell unappetising.
The order does not accept children older than what on Earth would be considered pre-school age. There is no exception for promising Callow Youths.
Knowledge web ('Knowledge Web'):
Cultures: Each initiate studies a few different Weftworld religions/creeds/belief systems (there being far too many of these in the world for anyone to understand them all in detail). For any creed they may need to deal with, there will be an array of monks with knowledge of it. Of course monks could acquire the relevant knowledge as and when occasion demanded through the godbond, and do so if necessary, but it has traditionally been useful to have a deeper understanding of another religion's mindset than a simple accumulation of facts would provide. Note also that monks have often dealt with, and even been hired by, other religions and gods.
See Weft's pantheon.
All order-standard weapons are unornamented and non-sentient (heavens forbid!).
Lesser-known skills of a field agent:
Sprinting vs endurance note: slashers are built for bursts of speed and activity, not endurance. They use stealth and surprise and if a target is not killed or disabled in a single hit, it is possible the mission will be failed - they do not do well in a fair, prolonged fight. Similarly, escapes usually rely on a sprint for cover or a lightning-fast climb to higher ground.