Grundraak, in the only era seen at Pro, have no magic and only basic technology and scientific knowledge. They have a highly-developed religious system based around four gods, each of which is believed to patronise (or punish) a different section of dragonkind.
The word grundraak is nothing more clever than two similar-sounding synonyms for green and dragon. It's pronounced groon-drahk. Grundraak have their own language, but it's the sort of thing that makes linguists wake up in cold sweats. Any word or root in this highly complex and subtle language has many different degrees and shades of meaning depending on tone and context. The sibilants are also murder on anyone without a scaly snout.
See also: Green, Adiment, Promo (grundraak), Several, Gwaed, Anadl, Calon, Asguern
Compare: ijsdrakon