This article describes the premise and plot of a
storyboard. It may contain spoilers. If the storyboard is ongoing, this article may be subject to change.
This planned story, written by Anke, Mutt and Vespers, will begin with some ferais emigrating from Terrimoire on Shade to set up their perfect society on a highly-forested planet (NPP).
Chat discussion below contains spoilers for the premise and plot.
- [IRC, 24 Jan 09]
Mutt: The "heavily forested" whateverIcalledit [that I mentioned in a Twine draft] is something that is also linked to Steamy.
Mutt: Ves may have forgotten, but we once talked about a group of ferais leaving Shade to set up their perfect wonderful civilisation in among all the pretty trees...
Mutt: And then loggers from the Flag arrive.
Vespers: i think I do remember that, yes
***Anke does, too
Mutt: Ah, I'd forgotten if you were there at that point, Anke. Hehe. I love ferais, really.
Vespers: the Flag's gonna do a lot of resource-hogging, so it makes sense to make at least some of it part of the story
Vespers: and.. what do the ferais do with all those lovely trees, again?
Anke: burn them, but in small batches?
Vespers: i though I remembered something about slash-and-burn farming..
Mutt: Yes.
Mutt: That's right. Perfect settlement surrounded by old-growth forest, with patches of secondary forest and cleared areas.
Mutt: And no stinking Soprones.
Vespers: haha
Vespers: poor ferais
Mutt: And especially none of those foul rocca.
Mutt: Which is a shame, because rocca are darn good at driving off irritating short people, whereas ferais, being average height and consequently comparatively delicately built, erm, aren't.
Mutt: I hope Anke'll join me for some guerrilla-resistance type action in that story. ;)