The other type of noble is the one that has herited the nobility. Sadly, a large number of these never see combat, much to the chagrin of the "true nobles" that risk their lives as they build the Caedaren nation a basis for a new homeland. Even sadder is the fact that most of the council seats are heritary as well, and thus a lax excuse for a noble might take up his or her parent's seat and generally vote without knowing what's going on. The whole edict in the Chumsare concerning the council is a fresh one by anarde standards, added right after the Exodus? from Deepwild? to the centre of the continent and its human? lands, but it is already sorely outdated. Those who scoffed at the idea of voting over something are grumbling again. What is the use in councils that cannot make right decisions?
After this law the Caedaren, being very practical, became very deft politicos. Finding a way around an order from the councils was one option... and the other was bribery. Threats, in a very subtle way, are reality as well.
(See also, freewarrior.)