(Basically Arctic regions, for terrans or bear enthusiasts. We're talking extreme cold.)
Nordgelert humans tend to the taller end of the human height range. They are thickset, with thick dark hair including copious facial hair in males, though all their hair grows slowly. Their voices are loud in comparison to southerners', and their speech and behaviour is best described as hearty. They dress warmly, of course. All of this makes them seem massive in mixed company.
Their skin is pale as an adaptation to their cold environment (slightly deeper capillaries). They can't blush very darkly, but then Nordies don't seem to get embarrassed very often.
(Notes to self. Definitely not hypomelanism, no unusual skin texture, definitely not pku, heritable w some variation, not sex linked, skin can be slightly cool, not indicative of bad circulation to a problematic level although heat reduction is a problem, they do something very interesting with cholesterol, what did I decide about tanning? - think decided lost ability to tan sometime thru major migration from far west)
Nordgelert humans are often intelligent and given to studying as much as partying, though they are not always socially adept or even interested in the outside world. They are stereotyped as eager and overbearing.
They complain loudly and become very ill in hot regions.
Nordies are not native to the 'Nordgelert' regions, which they share peacefully with the native Borean humans. The various languages known as 'Nordgelert' are all either Borean languages or creolised versions of them.
Iceheart still shows dominant Nordgelert genes, fifteen generations distant (though with many Nordies in his family tree) - although he doesn't have the stocky build or mannerisms, and he shaves.