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Shade's trolls are bipedal humanoids and one of Shade's five major races.

They are shorter than ferais, and taller than goblins.

Adjectival note: 'trollen' refers to trolls, and 'trollish' refers to something troll-like.


Trolls are stocky, tending to pot-bellies at middle age, and have fairly coarse hair similar to goblins'. Their eyes are mid-sized and expressive. Their ears are small and round.

Trollen skin is slightly greyish-green (varying with area of origin, as with elves, goblins and humans). Hair ranges from blond to very dark brown. Eyes can be anything from yellow-brown to brown, green to brown or grey.

Species and cultural idiosyncrasies

If you come across a skilled craftsman, chances are he or she is a troll. Many are unskilled at commerce and negotiation, many just care much more for process and product than payment: either way, trolls are often shortchanged. Goblins are common in troll areas and often hire themselves on in negotiation or advocacy roles.

Trolls are skilled at scientific subjects, with a slight statistical sex bias: males towards mathematics, females towards sciences.

Some trolls are nervous of other races except goblins and like to keep themselves relatively isolated (in modern Shade, moving home is quite common, so trolls are able to move towards or away from the quieter areas as they like).

Trolls have very sensitive noses when it comes to 'inorganic' smells: chemicals and metals. (Their sense of smell as applied to 'organic' smells - people, food or plant matter - is only average.)

Trolls are the least likely of the five races to have magical ability. Nevertheless, it is very possible to find a trollen magician. Telepathy is not common, with the incidence only a little higher than in elves.

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Edited November 16, 2006 12:02 am by Mutt