Werewolf (Eodea)

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Eodean Werewolves are basically people like you and I.

incomplete, needs adding to. Will do later. Anke

1. What Eodean werewolves are not

2. Moon

Werewolves are tied to the most prominent moon. (Eodea has seven of the darn things, but, I'm talking about the silver one here.) Generally speaking the wolf-like side is stronger around fullmoon, to the extent that many werewolves cannot help changing to wolf-like chape during fullmoon. Conversely, around newmoon the human-like side is stronger.

In addition to that, they have a sense of the moon, which gives them an accurate sense of time and direction.

3. Physiology

3.1. Human-like shape

In size they fall into the medium of human races (Daaren is very tall for his kind]]). Usually a human cannot tell they are not dealing with one of their own kind just from sight. (in other words: no darn pointed ears!!) Werewolves' smell is subtley different from humans'; dogs could be trained to spot it.

Their sight is different from humans', most notably the colour sight. Blue appears grey, purple/violet brown, and all colours but red are washed out. Their sense of smell can be superior to humans', but is on average only slightly better; usually a perceived big difference is caused by werewolves paying more attention to it. The same applies to hearing.

3.2. Wolf-like shape

Werewolves are bigger than terran wolves, the jury is still out how big normal Eodean wolves are supposed to be...

unsortet notes

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Edited October 13, 2006 7:44 pm by Anke