Fochs family; also referred to as
the Foxes, which is derived from one of the scoundrel dynasty's
progenitor's nicknames.
Family traits
The family has some curious traits that are possibly linked to the affiliation of the progenitor's, though very few people are aware of these traits even if legends of the eldest terrorising the rich and bothersome span for perhaps a millennium and more.
- The primary and most obvious trait is the half-immortality of the family. So far none of them has aged a bit after reaching an age that could possibly be referred to as "twenty-something", though their metabolism still functions normally.
- The other trait that the family is aware of is a devilish lucky streak, that seems to ebb and flow... and sometimes, not. One moment, a series of outlandish strokes of luck seems to propel the Fochs, and the next he or she may well find him/herself botching in an unbelievably memorable way. This trait can jump generations, and may be tied with the memorability of the Foxling. It occasionally leads the family into losing their loot after a flamboyant stint.
Family members
So far there are three Foxes sowing chaos and fear among organised institutions and the rich, one dead one the family is aware of, and one Sebastian hasn't bothered mentioning to others.
- The (muchly brained) head of the family, Sebastian, parents unknown. Supposedly a half-elf, as occasional stubble, pointy-ish ears, bone structure and eyes would suggest. The original trickster that has an on-off relationship with at least two deities he has never personally seen. Sickeningly charming, quick with a joke for the ladies and jolly verbal confusion for the men. Deceitfully calm and non-violent. Also a living theatre act.
- Midara, daughter to one Sebastian Fochs and a human noblewoman. Sent to a temple at an early age to save the face of the mother's family. Enjoys drinking as much as the old man, with whom she gets along passingly and angry very easily. The writer has a suspicion Midara is kind of gay, though she also knows for a fact about some incidents concerning stable and choir boys.
- Shii, twice removed from the eldest Fochs. Known for sheer deviousness, sorcerous proficiency and a mean streak. Daughter of Dolen, a son of Sebastian's that unfortunately for himself bore more than a striking resemblance to his father, and a mother who is more or less unknown to the rest of the family.
- Argilla, who, much like Midara, has a pretty noblewoman for a mother. (Mm, do I see a pattern there? --C) She was never cast out, being that her mother was a young widow and generally a bit too headstrong for any new suitors. For practical reasons, Argilla is considered to still live Somewhere Out There with her (sheepish) husband Lukian and generally making life hard for her husband's extended family. Possibly the most noble in seeming of all the Fochses, and definitely the ultimate social chameleon of the bunch. First appeared [here].
- Treter-Shaw, so far the only known living male offspring. The son of a semi-good-for-nothing rural lass with a bit of a tail and a propensity for daydreaming. He is an apprentice to a wise woman and written by Mutt.
- Helmine, a stuck-up Sebbie lookalike who has yet to figure out she has inherited a dysfunctional relationship with Lady Luck or a type of agelessness. Daughter of the fool himself and a village herbalist. Sometimes kills people for a living and loots occasional ruins, often with explosive consequences. Extremely annoying.