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Perry Wryflight

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Perry Wryflight, short for Peregrine, is a character of Mutt's. She is a human with rather skewed lifespan and the power to teleport herself through time and space.

1. Appearance
2. History
3. Powers
4. Other abilities and education
5. Relationships
6. Links

1. Appearance

Perry is a mid-height human female with short, plain brown hair and brown eyes. Her style and demeanour is slightly masculinised, but not overly so.

By way of clothing, she wears unelaborate blouses and trousers (never skirts), in khaki, faded brown or tan colours.

2. History

Perry Wryflight had her origins on the Damsel of Distress storyboard, where - as an eight-year-old, and with her little brother in tow - she ran away from her home in a generic fairy-tale kingdom and became involved in a quest to get rid of an evil queen.

Upon the termination of this adventure Perry acquired awareness of her teleportation power, though it was some time before she learned to master it. (Details are intentionally vague here, and subject to change, because of intellectual property concerns.) The story did not have an altogether happy ending. Almost immediately afterwards Perry parted with her brother on very poor terms, leaving him settled with a new adoptive family and striking out on her own. Her teleportation power allowed her to cover her tracks completely on this occasion, and she has not had contact with the brother or his family since.

Perry has cropped up in various different guises on different worlds, living out a succession of different lives, none of which has yet seemed to offer her fulfilment.

At one time she was a singer in a punk band called Tiff (along with Markus the horny drummer, Gerbil the guitarist and Telstar the bassist).

She later returned to the country of her birth (an incomplete, later abandoned storyboard called Sleepless Beauty happened around this time), attending a university in the capital city as a student of Storie (narrative theory, which is a much more exciting subject if you live in a fairytale kingdom). Here she capitalised on a love for folklore and children's rhymes.

Perry has also worked as an amateur xenobiologist, picking up on a lifelong affection for frogs and snails. Unlike her brother, she has visited her parents several times since leaving home and made sure they are living comfortably.

3. Powers

Perry's teleportation works through willing herself to a particular place. If she doesn't have a specific time in mind, she is transported to 'now' (a split second after the time at which she teleported).

Whatever she is wearing and carrying usually moves with her (though if injured or excessively tired, this may not work). She has been observed teleporting someone else with her, although in actual fact this is much more draining than moving herself. Her brand of teleportation does not open a gateway through which someone might try to follow her, though it is trackable through sufficiently advanced magical means.

Perry's one visible extravagance is the customary light show that accompanies her disappearances. She throws up different visual effects in her wake depending on her mood or intentions. When she wants to, she can simply vanish with barely any noise.

4. Other abilities and education

Perry can sing energetically though not to a high standard (punk, not opera).

She has studied storytelling and folk tale analysis, including places where stories are alive, along with a very little comparative mythology in her history modules. Like Suitov, she has a good memory for random legends, stories and folk songs and poetry.

She has never shown any interest in studying magic - in fact, she hates studying anything unless it catches her rather erratic attention, shows appalling ignorance in many areas and resists being 'educated' by anyone. She doesn't like reading biographies or history of any sort.

She can speak interworld common fairly well, English fluently, a little bit of French and enough words to get by in several other alien tongues, but she tends to forget her languages unless she uses them often. She has spent some time with fuzzbok tribes and can understand their language.

Though she loves creepy-crawlies and amphibians, she has no special ability to communicate with or control them. She has studied in the field with several entomologists and xenobiologists but invariably got bored and left after a few months.

5. Relationships

In her punk band days, Perry has a semi-steady girlfriend along with a string of one-night stands with audience members. Most of her romantic entanglements are meaningless and unnecessary to list here.



They know each other but Perry does not have any role in the Worlds War, finding such things pointless in comparison with adventuring and tavern-crawling. If she and he ever talked about anything serious, they might find their politics are surprisingly similar.

6. Links

Perry's own recountal of an early adventure can be found at the [Spin Me a Yarn] storyboard.

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Last edited March 29, 2009 11:35 pm by Mutt