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Note: Mutt often posts under the nickname Baskerville, for example at Profusion and MoonBurnt. It's been Mutt's username since the SciFi Vine.

Baskerville by-Rover-out-Brimstone bondsto-Suitov...

Let's try that again, shall we?

Baskerville is Mutt's most long-lived active character. He is a hellhound of debatable heritage and sound taste in bondmates.

He is the bonded familiar of Suitov Iceheart of Applestone.

1. Appearance
2. Abilities
3. Personality
4. Biography
4.1. Pre-Suitov
4.2. A rainy night
4.3. Suitov, War and afterwards
5. Roleplaying with Baskerville
6. External links

1. Appearance

A black shorthaired dog, around mastiff size and of slightly lighter (somewhat German Shepherdish) build. His ears stand up. Fairly large (but not disproportionately so), webbed paws. Like all hellhounds Skerv has red eyes, not self-illuminating, which turn dull brown when he is severely ill.

He has been seen in human shape, under which circumstances he is a shorter than average man, well-muscled and rather weatherbeaten. In such situations he is always seen wearing a leather jacket, sunglasses, black jeans and white or grey t-shirts with a variety of goofy slogans. His eyes remain red with no discernable pupil: hence the sunglasses, handy when he wants to 'blend in'. His hair is brown, short and often spiked. It is unclear whether he can assume human shape on serious boards, or if this is reserved for unplotted fun. Unless otherwise stated, you should assume he's in dog shape!

2. Abilities

Baskerville is fireproof and can withstand temperatures as high as he is likely to encounter anywhere on his world.

On his own - without aid from his master, that is - he is very vulnerable to magically-created fire. It's an oddity of his genetic makeup. Most hellhounds do not have this particular vulnerability. He is unable to use magic without Suitov's help.

His nose is superhumanly sharp: a normal doggy nose, in fact. He is a strong runner and swimmer. He can sit, stay, roll over, fetch, play dead, beg and crush a human's windpipe with his jaws.

He speaks demonic language, which allows him to understand most things said to him.

He sings and (when in human shape) plays guitar, neither of these in any way tunefully.

3. Personality

'Skerv is easy-going and finds humour in any situation, though he especially loves explosions. He enjoys a scuffle, and occasionally teasing kitties.

He likes red meat and peanut butter, which taste better when stolen.

He does not like cats or angels, and has no love for any kind of [hell creatures]?.

Because of bad experiences earlier in life, he views elves with a great deal of suspicion.

Baskerville has been known to drink alcohol to excess. He gets drunk in stages, usually starting with speech impediment (Ss are drawn-out, though not usually slurred into a "sh" sound), continuing through sluggish stupidity, aggression and eventually ending up in loud off-key singing. His family's innovative hangover cure is to roll in a fire until the alcohol is burned out of the bloodstream.

4. Biography

4.1. Pre-Suitov

Born in Hades to a Hellbitch named Brimstone. Leaves and wanders the world for a while.

4.2. A rainy night

4.3. Suitov, War and afterwards

After becoming Suitov Iceheart's bonded familiar, Baskerville's story largely ties in with his master's.

Given the properties of hellhounds, it is assumed that Baskerville dies with his master.

5. Roleplaying with Baskerville

Baskerville will immediately react hostilely to cats or people who smell of cats (including cat-shapeshifters, but not someone who has only stroked one). He won't attack but he will growl - which is something to bear in mind if your character is introducing zirself to him. Baskerville will be surly with winged humanoids. With elves it depends; if they're sufficiently like ferais he'll be disrespectful and surly, excepting some women.

He will accept stroking and cuddles from anyone he doesn't actively mistrust (and pretty women he doesn't trust). He'll accept food from anyone; he can detect anything that's poisonous to him by smell. He is likely to materialise next to anyone carrying food and look pointedly at them, beg or ask. If a magician strikes up a fireball he'll move away sharpish.

Baskerville likes tall, buxom women, especially muscled warrior types. If someone of this kind feeds him, he will follow her adoringly. If he's in human shape, he will flirt (and more, if allowed to get away with it). In dog shape he's liable to react predictably if he comes across a female dog in heat.

Baskerville has other typical dog reactions and mannerisms. He likes fetching sticks. He may follow people around and show off or do tricks for them (especially if female or carrying food), but he obeys Suitov before all else. Well. Mostly.

6. External links

Twine Wars allegiance

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Edited November 16, 2006 10:17 am by Mutt