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Brother Tortile is a novice monk from the Offwhite City order. His classification is currently diplomat-in-training.

He is a Twine Wars viewpoint character written by Mutt.


Tortile is an Instarrian.

How to describe Tortile? He's unusually tall. He holds himself unthreateningly. Moves with the requisite grace, of course. He has a boyish face and very bright blue eyes. Fawn hair - if you don't know, that's a warm mushroom grey. He smiles like any other diplomatic unit I've known - encouragingly and often. --Weft


He's a friendly sort. Very interested in people.

Like his fellow monks, he doesn't have a proper name. Instead he has been given a meaningful word, which he translates for whichever aliens he's dealing with. Tortile, he says, means flexible and twisty: it's related to 'distort' and 'contort'.

Tortile likes words.

Appearances on boards

Mutt test-drove him a couple of times on inn boards. He was first seen properly at Roofrats.

Expressors of Agápē with Compassion:
Resources: Knowledge web | Manabar
Characters: Affability | Afflictive | Tortile | Triviality | Snags | Weft
Beliefs: Religion | Purity | Deities | Example pantheon

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Edited May 13, 2009 5:12 pm by Mutt