Magic (Eodea)

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Eodea has several different "schools" of magic.
1. Basis
2. Kinds of magic workers
3. Kinds of Magic
3.1. Elementarism
3.2. Psionics
3.3. Spiritism
3.4. Conjuration
3.5. Dwarven Runes
4. Prevalence
5. Trivia

1. Basis

"Magic" refers to a process, not to an energy/substance/force.

Processes are usually fueled by the spiritual energy/life force of the magic worker, called spirit. Every living being possesses this energy, and thus can potentially work magic. However, most people aware of using magic are individuals who have an "oversized" reservoir.

Under normal circumstances there are safeguards against spending too much spirit, but if a magic worker is in panic, or very determined, they can kill themselves by pouring too much into a working.

2. Kinds of magic workers

3. Kinds of Magic

3.1. Elementarism

Elementarism deals with the perception and manipulation of matter.

The term "elementarist" usually refers to mages who can control several different elements at least to some extent, but in a wider sense it also includes magical healers, waterseekers, illusionists and other workers specialised in one or two elements.

For more details see Elementarism (Eodea).

3.2. Psionics

Psionics deal with emotions and thoughts.

The passive forms are empathy, mind-reading and psychometry; active forms are communication, suggestion and creating hallucinations.

Psionics being studied systematically is a rather new movement; most psions are either self-taught or belong to more "primitive" traditions, even though in recent years the field has caught the interest of some mages.

For more details see Psionics (Eodea).

3.3. Spiritism

Spiritism deals with summoning, influencing and banishing spirits and ghosts.

There is some overlap between psionics and spiritism, since a psion may be able to sense spirits and/or communicate with them mind to mind.

As far as most mages are concerned, summoning beings with their own will is too unreliable a way to work magic.

For more details see Spiritism (Eodea).

3.4. Conjuration

Conjuration refers to the summoning of beings from other worlds, planes, dimensions, whatever you call them.

Among mages this practise has been discredited and outlawed on pain of death, since it bears too great risks. The last public debate concerned the question if the folk magic practise of "prancing around a place where fairies are known to visit to get their attention and ask for a favour" should be included in the ban. (The final ruling was "no", since the problematic part was creating the link to the other place.)

3.5. Dwarven Runes

Dwarves will insist that they do not use magic, but indeed they do.

They have no "instant effects" (spells), but long lasting ones tied to a physical matrix. That is, their "runesmiths" apply sigils to walls or things in a ceremony, and the effect is stored in those.

Most effects are long-term and rather subtle (keeping a gallery more stable than it should be, keeping dampness from penetrating into a room, keeping up a slight airflow etc.), but triggered one-time effects that leave a greater impression are possible.

4. Prevalence

5. Trivia

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Last edited November 10, 2008 9:11 pm by Anke