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Showing revision 31
This article describes a Profusion or MoonBurnt member.

Mutt, real name (for writing purposes) H. Baskerville, is admin of Profusion and webmutt of HHnet. De writes semi-regularly (both [prose and occasional poetry]) and makes [visual art] on occasion.

Hellhounds, and black dog mythology in general, hold Mutt's sustained affection. De has a lifelong affection for dogs of any sort and thinks monsters, red pandas, wordplay and Finns are neat too. Des little brother Slen sometimes plays at Pro.

Mutt's literary genre of choice is a laid-back mix of science fiction, comedy and fantasy. De likes music in melodic power metal, pop-punk, campy Europop and assorted other genres.

Mastiff, grey-hound, mongrel grim,
Hound or spaniel, brach* or lym*...
--King Lear, 3:6

From forth the kennel of thy womb hath crept
A hell-hound that doth hunt us all to death:
That dog, that had his teeth before his eyes,
To worry lambs and lap their gentle blood...
--King Richard, 4:4

Full listing of Mutt's topics in Twine

Major settings

See Muttiverse for a fuller list and brief discussion.

Major characters

* types of scent-hound

Twine Wars allegiance

Photo by Bart Klemensowski

To do

Mutt's personal to-do list, for Twine tasks not concerned with wiki upgrades or maintenance.

disagree - keep to ourselves
who will see it then?
the point is we know and write a consistent universe, not give full mind-numbing secret details away to all
Nobody cares.--W
I care, you lying kitty. --V
Um... look over there! An electric filament sword with bronzed runnels for the blood and a matching cape! --W
Ooooooooooooh, whe.... Waait. You can't distract me that easily, perfidious swine!--V

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Edited February 28, 2008 10:10 am by Vespers