They are shorter than srolli, at a species average of 1.2m or 4ft, making them the smallest of the races.
Voks skin is slightly brownish-green (varying with area of origin, as with ferais, srolli and faleighs). Hair ranges from blonde to very dark brown. Eyes can be anything from yellow-brown to brown, green to brown or grey.
Though often highly energetic, leg length and lung capacity mean they cannot outsprint or outswim other races. They don't get enough leverage to do much damage in a fight, but instead rely on allies and inventiveness.
Voks are known as the cowardly race, seldom prepared to face any difficulty alone. For this reason they typically prefer to be in the company of several others (of any species), in which setting they are confident and adaptable team players. Voks are social, skilled at languages and good negotiators, though not formidable physically. (Note that these are generalisations and not true in all cases.)
The typical voks home life is very family-oriented. They recline on couches to eat and mealtimes play an important part in maintaining bonds, whether with family or friends. Grub time in a voks household is as much about chattering as about refuelling.
Not to say that other races' social and political systems aren't complicated, but voks's are even more so. They're the same as faleighs in terms of liking prestige and hating to be embarrassed. They're also quite capable of backstabbing and keeping up with insanely convoluted schemes. Business deals and negotiations are usually conducted during a meal, or at least with food made available.