This summary will be a list of topics in an alphabetical order - if someone is diehard enough to add their own summaries of the characters appearing in the Tale, that is just fine and dandy.
Also, there will be some words that will be defined in the wiki otherwise, so the links for commonplace terms will be made with the format [[tiXXXXX]] just to be on the safe side... also, instead of redirections, the terms meaning the same thing are bunched together for practicality.
Questions may be posted under summaries - answering them might turn this into a guide that will make Swansong obsolete. Same goes for terms yet unexplained - leave a note.
Bleeders, the; Bleeding Hearts, the; Weepers, the; Moon Guard, the
Chumsare, the; Common Law, the
Eyes, the; Curious, the; Lot, the
Faldaren, the?
Fingers, the; Rocktossers, the; Elemental Bones, the; Artisans, the
Fists, the; Glorious Fists, the; Lords & Dames, the
Hands, the; Healing Hands, the; Hurting Hands, the; Moulding Hands, the
Hearts, the; Lovers, the; Sun Guard, the; Gentry, the
Hundred Kingdoms, the?
La'lyvain, Clarefaer?
La'lyvain, Ifaí?
La'lyvain, Nyanvara?
Nightwrought, Sheiko?
Onefaiths, the?
Ottaviano, King of Dondrea; Magicker-King, the
Raeneil, Ganawade?
Sheadaren, the?
Souls, the; Spirits, the; shamen; sages; pranksters
[Southern Vigil]?
Talienne, Gavvat?
Talienne, Taliat?
Teragon; Empire of Iron, the?
Yiadaren, the?
Velanwia, Dayamo?
Voices, the; Songsters, the; Seers, the
Whispers, the?